TRICK – Empower Circular Economy With Blockchain Data Traceability

TRICK – Empower Circular Economy With Blockchain Data Traceability

We are proud and happy to introduce the TRICK project: the H2020 funded project for adoption, tracing and demonstration of sustainable approaches by means of an innovative and circular product information management system secured by Blockchain.

July 2021 – The adoption of sustainable and circular approaches in production is one of these days big topics. The transition from linear to circular economy can’t be delayed anymore and it is strictly connected with the transparency and traceability of the value chains. To put in place aware actions the stakeholders of the supply chains, and the consumers as well, need to have all the pieces of information useful to know the steps of a product lifecycle, but the complexity, opacity and fragmentation of the value chains make it difficult to identify and provide them.

Starting from this background the issue to develop interoperable and scalable traceability and transparency solution is becoming essential. This statement works for big industries, but it is emphasised for SMEs and small subjects of the supply chains, having more trouble moving towards innovation.

TRICK EU funded project will deal with this aim starting from the point of view of Textile and Clothing sector, one of the most polluting and complex domains. The project, started in May, will work in the next 3 years to support SMEs in the adoption, tracing and demonstration of sustainable approaches by means of an innovative and circular product information management system, based on a data collection platform, secured by Blockchain and integrated with an open marketplace for the matched services. The demonstration will be run in Textile-Clothing and in Food sector, to demonstrate the replicability of the approach.

TRICK is supported by a consortium of 29 partners from 8 EU countries and 3 extra EU eligible countries, coordinated by F.lli Piacenza S.p.A. an Italian top-brand in luxury fabrics manufacturing. The consortium is composed of stakeholders of the supply chain with the role of end-users together with University and Research Centres, National Agencies public bodies and associations, ITC and tech providers.

TRICK’s platform will provide standardized services targeted on the pilots and useful to implement and trace circular economy practices with reference to environmental, social and health protection domains (e.g. Preferential Certificate of Origin, Product Environmental Footprint, anti-counterfeiting). Afterwards, additional services will be joint by means of a marketplace open to third parties’ certified solutions to respond also to the needs of other value chains.

«The main goal of the project is the development of a reliable and secure blockchain-based platform with standardised services for T&C and Food with the distinguishing feature of affordability – explains Mauro Chezzi, vice-director of Sistema Moda Italia, the Italian federation for Textile and Fashion, institutional partner of the project – SMEs often have to face with economic issues related to the costs of complex and forefront technologies such as Blockchain. TRICK aims to solve this gap by supporting the standardization of its information management system and spreading services for the traceability of the supply chains on a great scale»

On the technology and innovation side, next to the platform and the marketplace, the project will deploy Blockchains and related interoperability connectors for the secured data storage and sharing and it will develop addons for B2B marketplace additional services, to enable new developers and providers to offer their solutions.

Finally, TRICK will feed the awareness and improve the guidelines for the implementation of the measures necessary to establish circularity in industry and society, generating a roadmap with a strategic plan, and providing legal standards, semantics and ontologies functional for traceability applications.

Within the TRICK project, Sqetch is managing all project-related dissemination activities and will create relevant content for dedicated channels targeting all possible audiences for TRICK. Sqetch will also contribute to ideation, development and implementation of a project related community platform, networked manufacturing matchmaking and production management tool for the pilot project rollout. Furthermore, Sqetch will participate in the definition and implementation of the B2B marketplace.

Access the official press release here.


For more information on TRICK project please contact:

Nataliia Kirillova – Project Manager 

And follow TRICK project on LinkedIn and Instagram